The young Jailed Kinijit Secretary, Muluneh Eyuel, speaks of his imprisonment

Kinijit International
Tuning to Arabic language radio stations... Thinking about Abiyotawi Democracy...What more do Meles Zenawi's stinking jail cells offer to our heroes. KE's correspondent posed as a visitor to Muluneh and inteviewed him.
Muluneh Eyuel, described his imprisonment for the last fourteen months at Kaliti and Kerchele as a life changing experience. Speaking to KE, the young Kinijit secretary revealed how he was made to stay in a cold, stinky cell at Kerchelle alone for 62 days before two journalists, Eskinder Nega and Sisay Agena and a fellow Kinijiit council member, Andualem Arage, joined him.
They were returned to Kaliti on the November 17. Muluneh said he spent most of his time reading. He is currently finishing David Held's Models of Democracy. "I have so much time that I can even waste some of it thinking about Abiyotawi Democracy," he quipped, alluding to the absurdity of Meles Zenawi's theory.
He also revealed how he sometimes switched from radio station to radio station and listened to "almost anything". "From Shabiya to Radio Ethiopia, I tune to a lot of radio stations. I think my non-existent Arabic is improving from listening to some Arabic stations," he laughed. He lives in a cell, which has 300-350 prisoners at any given day.
Kifle Tigneh, another Kinijit leader, shares the same roof. This is the first interview of one of the jailed kinijit leaders since they held a joint press conference to international journalists two weeks after their arrest.

* will be posting the full interview soon.

posted by Ethiounited Moderator at1:35 AM


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