A new Kinijit party website (www.kinijitethiopia.org) launched

Kinijit International is pleased to announce that, using the mandate accorded to it by Kinijit Ethiopia, it has set up the official Kinijit website. The new website, kinijitethiopia.org is a replacement to the old website kinijit.org that should have been handed back to Kinijit International per the decision of Kinijit North America made at the emergency meeting held last August in Virginia USA.
We repeat what we have said in our previous disclaimer that kinijit.org has nothing to do with Kinijit the political party and anything posted on this website can not in any way be attributed to the Kinijit party. We would like to make it clear that Kinijit party will not be responsible for the damage that an individual may suffer as a result of his/her dealing with kinjit.org. It should be noted any fund or message collected in the name of Kinijit by Kinjit.org will not reach the Kinijit party and we advise Kinijit supporters and the general public to make sure that they are dealing with the right website before they depart with their money or messages.
The principles governing the operations and the objectives of www.kinijitethihiopia.org are outlined herewith. We are hoping to make this website worthy of the great name it represents. We humbly request other websites to create a link for www.kinijitethiopia.org on their sites.
Kinijitethiopia.org is set to serve the kinjit party, its supporters and the general public. We call upon all patriotic and freedom loving Ethiopians to support this website in whatever way they can.

Mission statment of www.kinjitethiopia.org
  • www.kinijitethiopia.org is the official website of Kinijit(Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (CUDP). CUDP is a modern political organization hence its website will reflect CUDP's modern political vision and serve as a forum to disseminate the Party's official position in all matters of national, regional and international issues as well as promote the economic and social policies that are vital for Ethiopia's renaissance.
  • www.kinijitethiopia.org will be user friendly to enable visitors to access well organized and relevant information pertaining to Ethiopia including both audio and video format. All the latest available technology will be employed to run the website for accurate and up to date information.
  • www.kinijitethiopia.org will encourage Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia to give their wholehearted support to CUDP's activities both at home and abroad as well as collaborate with all organizations and associations that work for the creation of a free, democratic, prosperous, stable and unified Ethiopia.
  • All information that will merit posting on www.kinijitethiopia.org must strictly adhere to the promotion of CUDP's modern and basic principles of peace, love, unity, tolerance, transparency, accountability and national reconciliation.
  • www.kinijitethiopia.org is committed to posting rationally argued views and fact based information as well as constructive criticism forwarded by individuals or groups even against CUDP itself.
  • The long-term objective of Kinjitethiopia.org is to serve the nation and the people of Ethiopia. CUDP believes that the cause of the nation and its people is greater than the interest of any particular political party, including itself. Hence, Kinijit is committed to ushering a new era of Ethiopian politics which will only be associated with life but not death, with development not destruction, with unity not fragmentation, with pride not shame, with the rule of law not tyranny and above all with civil political discourse to find common ground to solve our shared national problems.

The most important short term objective of Kinijitethiopia.org will be to support all activities and efforts for the immediate and unconditional release of the CUDP Leaders and other political prisoners from TPLF/EPRDF prison.


posted by Ethiounited Moderator at10:27 PM


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