A list of 308 people that were murdered by Meles Zenawi Army
In one of my previous posts I have published the names of some 27 people who were brutally murdered by the TPLF dictatorial regime. The TPLF has been killing innocent people and those that oppsed since it first set its foot in the lands of Wolqait-Tegede in the 1970. Since then hundreds up on hundreds of people have bean massacared. This ruthles regime has murdered young and old, men and women with out mercy. God know how many more have just banished and no one knows their whereabout until now. Thousands more are still languishing in secret underground prisons just for being Wolqaites and for opposing its dictatorial, ruthless regime.
A recent article headlined, "Can Meles Fight Corruption?" indicates that there are more than 40,000 people incarcerated in the Tigray region alone. It also states that the TPLF has built a prison that can hold upto 50,000 inmates in Shire, Western Tigary. Clearly, the reason for building such a prison in Shire is no other than to be close to Wolqait and to continue repressing the people.
Here is a list of 308 people that were murdered by TPLF that I manage to collect from various reliable sources. It is very sad these are only few of the hundreds if not thousands that were killed by TPLF.
First Name Middle Name
First Name Middle Name 1 Abate Eshetey
45 Asamerew Asrese 2 Abaw Tejineh
46 Asamerew Woldie 3 Abebe Yirga
47 Asefaw Mengiste 4 Abeje Kifle
48 Aseres Takele 5 Abera Haile
49 Asfaw Worku 6 Abera Alemayehu
50 Asgedom Tiruneh 7 Abera G/Meskel
51 Ashenafi Wondu 8 Abera Asires
52 Asimelash Yigzaw 9 Abera Hagos
53 Atalay Abera 10 Abreha Adane
54 Atalay Zenebe 11 Abreha Argu
55 Atalay Amare 12 Abreha Nega
56 Atinafey Alemayehu 13 Abreha Belay
57 Aweke Zewdu 14 Achamyeleh Shitaye
58 Ayahunegn Wondoshal 15 Achenafi Tsige
59 Ayalew Semu 16 Adane Derese
60 Ayana Gebre 17 Adanew Riste
18 Addis Abetelew
62 Ayenew Reste 19 Addisu Abebe
63 Ayenew Beyene 20 Adebe Alem
64 Azanaw Chere 21 Aderajew Gebre
65 Azanaw Yideg 22 Adisey Lijalem
66 Azanaw Tsige 23 Alachew Lijalem
67 Azeneh Lijalem 24 Alachew G/Medhin
68 Bahita Fantay 25 Alebachew Defersha
69 Bahita Mekuria 26 Alebel Yirga
70 Bahita Wondimagegn 27 Alehegn Mesfin
71 Bahita Reda 28 Alemaw Tareke
72 Bahita Ertib 29 Alemey Kassa
73 Bahita Mengistu 30 Alemu Getachew
74 Bayew Bahita 31 Alemu Fentay
75 Bayew Biyaregilign 32 Alemu Legesse
76 Bayew Lijalem 33 Alene Kindishih
77 BeEdu Wondimagegn 34 Amare Fante
78 Belay Mulu 35 Ambayehu Abetelew
79 Belay Tadesse 36 Andom Kassa
80 Belay Mekonen 37 Angereb Tesema
81 Belete Alem-Mebirat 38 Arefaynie Mekonen
82 Beletew Tesfay 39 Arefe Belete
83 Belte Wondimagegn 40 Arefe Gidey
84 Bera Yemane 41 Arega Woldie
85 Bera W/Selassie 42 Aregaw Ayenew
86 Berhe Hagos 43 Asamerew Gidey
87 Berihun Yirga 44 Asamerew Melese
First Name Middle Name
First Name Middle Name 88 Berihun Yigzaw
131 G/Selassei Reda 89 Berihun Desta
132 Gebre Hagos 90 Beyene Firey
133 Gebrehiwot Hayile 91 Beyene Ayelign
134 Geremew Dagnew 92 Biadgilign Zewde
135 Gerima Tekhley 93 Bilata Abiraha
136 Getachew Tegegne 94 Birhane Mamo
137 Getachew Bizuneh 95 Birhanu Dagnachew
138 Getachew Abreha 96 Birhanu Shitaye
139 Getew Tamre 97 Chakile Gebeyehu
140 Getu Telelew 98 Chalachew Tadesse
141 Gidey Mamu 99 Chalachew Abere
142 Gidey Kassa 100 Chalachew Tadele
143 Gifachew Dagnew 101 Chalu Yezezew
144 Ginby Getahun 102 Chene Yirga
145 Woldie Yenehun 103 Dagnew Sisay
146 Girma Yideg 104 Debilil Zenebe
147 Girmay Tikus 105 Deblil T/Haimanot
148 Girmay Tike 106 Degefa Goitom
149 Goitom Mihret 107 Desalegn Warkaw
150 Goitom Hadgu 108 Desta Seretse
151 Gorfu Gebru 109 Dirar Gessessew
152 Goshu Assefa 110 Endalkachew Tejo
153 Goshu Tirfineh 111 Endeshaw Tafere
154 Guben Fiahatsen 112 Engtey Ayelegn
155 Guoy Mebirahtu 113 Ertbey Gebru
156 Guoy Adane 114 Eshete Ayalneh
157 Habtu Yirga 115 Eshetu Mesfin
158 Hafte Zenebe 116 Fantay Ayelegn
159 Hagos Gebrey 117 Fantu Sisay
160 Hagos Mengistu 118 Feleke Girmay
161 Hagos Yisfa 119 Ferede Zeray
162 Hailu Leyuneh 120 Ferede Filuy
163 Hayelom Yirga 121 Fetene Zenebe
164 Kahisu Nigus 122 Fetene Gebrey
165 Kahsu Getaw 123 Firey Twolde
166 Kasahun Sisay 124 Ftalew Tafere
167 Kassa Mebirat 125 G/Hiwot Bahita
168 Kassahun Sissay 126 G/Hiwot Gezahegn
169 Kassu Nigussie 127 G/Mariam Arefayine
170 Sisay Abera 128 G/Medhin Zerfu
171 Kesete Yirga 129 G/Medhin Yehuala
172 Kinfe Kebede 130 G/Meskel Tirfineh
173 Kinfe Nahu
First Name Middle Name
First Name Middle Name 174 Kinfe Kebede
217 Muluneh Demoze 175 Lema Tadesse
218 Nega Tebeje 176 Leul G/Meskel
219 Nega Aseres 177 Lijalem Taye
220 Nega Getahun 178 Lijalem Belay
221 Nega Mitiku 179 Lilay Hadgu
222 Nega Hagos 180 Lule Mesfin
223 Nega Bebel 181 Malefia Guoy
224 Nigshet Hadgu 182 Malle Zenebe
225 Nigussie Kelemework 183 Mamay Redate
226 Nigusu Abreha 184 Mamay Abirha
227 Pastor Belete Tesfay 185 Mamay Belay
228 Quwi Tezera 186 Mamay Ayelegn
229 Redai Lema 187 Mamay Mulu
230 Riskey Haile 188 Mamay Ferede
231 Riskey Mintesinot 189 Mamay Aleyu
232 Riskey Yilma 190 Mamay Belayneh
233 Riskey Melese 191 Mamo Desta
234 Roskey Manjos 192 Mamo Zewdie
235 Serebe Reda 193 Mamu Warkaw
236 Setegn Endalemaw 194 Mamu Chere
237 Setegn Shitaye 195 Mamu Tadesse
238 Shenqo Belete 196 Mamuneh Yideg
239 Shiferaw Wubeneh 197 Mebirahtu Yigzaw
240 Shiferaw Nigussie 198 Mebirahtu G/Ezgher
241 Shiferaw Tesfay 199 Mehari Adugna
242 Shihun Kidane 200 Mekonen Lewte
243 Shimuye Mamu 201 Mekonen Abere
244 Shimuye Alemey 202 Mekuanint Warkaw
245 Shimuye Demisew 203 Mekuria G/Mariam
246 Simachew Mamu 204 Mengesha Mulugeta
247 Simachew Alemu 205 Mered G/Mikael
248 Sissay Tesfahunegn 206 Mesafinte Dagnew
249 Tadele Abate 207 Mirach Tesema
250 Tadesse Keshi 208 Mola Telele
251 Tafere Lilay 209 Mrs. LiElti Wondimagegn
252 Tagel Tedla 210 Mukotey Tadesse
253 Talle Gebre 211 Mulalem Warkaw
254 Tasew Asefa 212 Mulaw Zofe
255 Tebeje Melese 213 Mulu Atalay
256 Tebeje Bekele 214 Mulu Amare
257 Tegegne Nega 215 Mulu Berhe
258 Tegegne Demis 216 Mulu G/Kidan
259 Tekalign Abebe
First Name Middle Name
260 Tekalign Mengistu
261 Tela Haile
262 Tesfa Tsegay
263 Tesfay Hailu
264 Tesfay Aberiha
265 Tesfay Mekonen
266 Tesfay Asfeha
267 Teshager G/Medhin
268 Teshome Ferede
269 Teshome Telele
270 Tessema Abkhelew
271 Tessema Fireye
272 Tigabu Mekuanint
273 Tilahun Tewolde
274 Tiruneh Tadesse
275 Tiruneh Mebratu
276 Toga Tegegne
277 Tsegay Abebe
278 Tsegay Yenehun
279 Tsegu Zenebe
280 Tsyitey Abirha
281 Wagnew Menberu
282 Wegahtay Bicha
283 Wereta Gebru
284 Woldie YeEbiyo
285 Woldie Yenehun*
286 Wondim Fisseha
287 Wondim Telele
288 Wondim Tega
289 Wondimhunegn Tareke
290 Workey G/Medhin
291 Workneh Atalay
292 Yehualashet Zeleke
293 Yeshalem Berihun
294 Yeshialem Tsige
295 Yeshineh Yideg
296 Yezezew G/Meskel
297 Yibeyin G/Ezgiher
298 Yideg Ayenew
299 Yideg Ayalew
300 Yilaq Tezera
301 Yirga Demisew
302 Yisfa Fantay
303 Zeleke Girmay
304 Zeray Mersha
305 Zeru Belay
306 Zeru Mersha
307 Zewdie Sisay
308 Zewdu Shibeshi
source: www.ethio-wolqait.blogspot.com
In one of my previous posts I have published the names of some 27 people who were brutally murdered by the TPLF dictatorial regime. The TPLF has been killing innocent people and those that oppsed since it first set its foot in the lands of Wolqait-Tegede in the 1970. Since then hundreds up on hundreds of people have bean massacared. This ruthles regime has murdered young and old, men and women with out mercy. God know how many more have just banished and no one knows their whereabout until now. Thousands more are still languishing in secret underground prisons just for being Wolqaites and for opposing its dictatorial, ruthless regime.
A recent article headlined, "Can Meles Fight Corruption?" indicates that there are more than 40,000 people incarcerated in the Tigray region alone. It also states that the TPLF has built a prison that can hold upto 50,000 inmates in Shire, Western Tigary. Clearly, the reason for building such a prison in Shire is no other than to be close to Wolqait and to continue repressing the people.
Here is a list of 308 people that were murdered by TPLF that I manage to collect from various reliable sources. It is very sad these are only few of the hundreds if not thousands that were killed by TPLF.
source: www.ethio-wolqait.blogspot.com
A recent article headlined, "Can Meles Fight Corruption?" indicates that there are more than 40,000 people incarcerated in the Tigray region alone. It also states that the TPLF has built a prison that can hold upto 50,000 inmates in Shire, Western Tigary. Clearly, the reason for building such a prison in Shire is no other than to be close to Wolqait and to continue repressing the people.
Here is a list of 308 people that were murdered by TPLF that I manage to collect from various reliable sources. It is very sad these are only few of the hundreds if not thousands that were killed by TPLF.
First Name | Middle Name | First Name | Middle Name | |||
1 | Abate | Eshetey | 45 | Asamerew | Asrese | |
2 | Abaw | Tejineh | 46 | Asamerew | Woldie | |
3 | Abebe | Yirga | 47 | Asefaw | Mengiste | |
4 | Abeje | Kifle | 48 | Aseres | Takele | |
5 | Abera | Haile | 49 | Asfaw | Worku | |
6 | Abera | Alemayehu | 50 | Asgedom | Tiruneh | |
7 | Abera | G/Meskel | 51 | Ashenafi | Wondu | |
8 | Abera | Asires | 52 | Asimelash | Yigzaw | |
9 | Abera | Hagos | 53 | Atalay | Abera | |
10 | Abreha | Adane | 54 | Atalay | Zenebe | |
11 | Abreha | Argu | 55 | Atalay | Amare | |
12 | Abreha | Nega | 56 | Atinafey | Alemayehu | |
13 | Abreha | Belay | 57 | Aweke | Zewdu | |
14 | Achamyeleh | Shitaye | 58 | Ayahunegn | Wondoshal | |
15 | Achenafi | Tsige | 59 | Ayalew | Semu | |
16 | Adane | Derese | 60 | Ayana | Gebre | |
17 | Adanew | Riste | 61 | |||
18 | Addis | Abetelew | 62 | Ayenew | Reste | |
19 | Addisu | Abebe | 63 | Ayenew | Beyene | |
20 | Adebe | Alem | 64 | Azanaw | Chere | |
21 | Aderajew | Gebre | 65 | Azanaw | Yideg | |
22 | Adisey | Lijalem | 66 | Azanaw | Tsige | |
23 | Alachew | Lijalem | 67 | Azeneh | Lijalem | |
24 | Alachew | G/Medhin | 68 | Bahita | Fantay | |
25 | Alebachew | Defersha | 69 | Bahita | Mekuria | |
26 | Alebel | Yirga | 70 | Bahita | Wondimagegn | |
27 | Alehegn | Mesfin | 71 | Bahita | Reda | |
28 | Alemaw | Tareke | 72 | Bahita | Ertib | |
29 | Alemey | Kassa | 73 | Bahita | Mengistu | |
30 | Alemu | Getachew | 74 | Bayew | Bahita | |
31 | Alemu | Fentay | 75 | Bayew | Biyaregilign | |
32 | Alemu | Legesse | 76 | Bayew | Lijalem | |
33 | Alene | Kindishih | 77 | BeEdu | Wondimagegn | |
34 | Amare | Fante | 78 | Belay | Mulu | |
35 | Ambayehu | Abetelew | 79 | Belay | Tadesse | |
36 | Andom | Kassa | 80 | Belay | Mekonen | |
37 | Angereb | Tesema | 81 | Belete | Alem-Mebirat | |
38 | Arefaynie | Mekonen | 82 | Beletew | Tesfay | |
39 | Arefe | Belete | 83 | Belte | Wondimagegn | |
40 | Arefe | Gidey | 84 | Bera | Yemane | |
41 | Arega | Woldie | 85 | Bera | W/Selassie | |
42 | Aregaw | Ayenew | 86 | Berhe | Hagos | |
43 | Asamerew | Gidey | 87 | Berihun | Yirga | |
44 | Asamerew | Melese | ||||
First Name | Middle Name | First Name | Middle Name | |||
88 | Berihun | Yigzaw | 131 | G/Selassei | Reda | |
89 | Berihun | Desta | 132 | Gebre | Hagos | |
90 | Beyene | Firey | 133 | Gebrehiwot | Hayile | |
91 | Beyene | Ayelign | 134 | Geremew | Dagnew | |
92 | Biadgilign | Zewde | 135 | Gerima | Tekhley | |
93 | Bilata | Abiraha | 136 | Getachew | Tegegne | |
94 | Birhane | Mamo | 137 | Getachew | Bizuneh | |
95 | Birhanu | Dagnachew | 138 | Getachew | Abreha | |
96 | Birhanu | Shitaye | 139 | Getew | Tamre | |
97 | Chakile | Gebeyehu | 140 | Getu | Telelew | |
98 | Chalachew | Tadesse | 141 | Gidey | Mamu | |
99 | Chalachew | Abere | 142 | Gidey | Kassa | |
100 | Chalachew | Tadele | 143 | Gifachew | Dagnew | |
101 | Chalu | Yezezew | 144 | Ginby | Getahun | |
102 | Chene | Yirga | 145 | Woldie | Yenehun | |
103 | Dagnew | Sisay | 146 | Girma | Yideg | |
104 | Debilil | Zenebe | 147 | Girmay | Tikus | |
105 | Deblil | T/Haimanot | 148 | Girmay | Tike | |
106 | Degefa | Goitom | 149 | Goitom | Mihret | |
107 | Desalegn | Warkaw | 150 | Goitom | Hadgu | |
108 | Desta | Seretse | 151 | Gorfu | Gebru | |
109 | Dirar | Gessessew | 152 | Goshu | Assefa | |
110 | Endalkachew | Tejo | 153 | Goshu | Tirfineh | |
111 | Endeshaw | Tafere | 154 | Guben | Fiahatsen | |
112 | Engtey | Ayelegn | 155 | Guoy | Mebirahtu | |
113 | Ertbey | Gebru | 156 | Guoy | Adane | |
114 | Eshete | Ayalneh | 157 | Habtu | Yirga | |
115 | Eshetu | Mesfin | 158 | Hafte | Zenebe | |
116 | Fantay | Ayelegn | 159 | Hagos | Gebrey | |
117 | Fantu | Sisay | 160 | Hagos | Mengistu | |
118 | Feleke | Girmay | 161 | Hagos | Yisfa | |
119 | Ferede | Zeray | 162 | Hailu | Leyuneh | |
120 | Ferede | Filuy | 163 | Hayelom | Yirga | |
121 | Fetene | Zenebe | 164 | Kahisu | Nigus | |
122 | Fetene | Gebrey | 165 | Kahsu | Getaw | |
123 | Firey | Twolde | 166 | Kasahun | Sisay | |
124 | Ftalew | Tafere | 167 | Kassa | Mebirat | |
125 | G/Hiwot | Bahita | 168 | Kassahun | Sissay | |
126 | G/Hiwot | Gezahegn | 169 | Kassu | Nigussie | |
127 | G/Mariam | Arefayine | 170 | Sisay | Abera | |
128 | G/Medhin | Zerfu | 171 | Kesete | Yirga | |
129 | G/Medhin | Yehuala | 172 | Kinfe | Kebede | |
130 | G/Meskel | Tirfineh | 173 | Kinfe | Nahu | |
First Name | Middle Name | First Name | Middle Name | |||
174 | Kinfe | Kebede | 217 | Muluneh | Demoze | |
175 | Lema | Tadesse | 218 | Nega | Tebeje | |
176 | Leul | G/Meskel | 219 | Nega | Aseres | |
177 | Lijalem | Taye | 220 | Nega | Getahun | |
178 | Lijalem | Belay | 221 | Nega | Mitiku | |
179 | Lilay | Hadgu | 222 | Nega | Hagos | |
180 | Lule | Mesfin | 223 | Nega | Bebel | |
181 | Malefia | Guoy | 224 | Nigshet | Hadgu | |
182 | Malle | Zenebe | 225 | Nigussie | Kelemework | |
183 | Mamay | Redate | 226 | Nigusu | Abreha | |
184 | Mamay | Abirha | 227 | Pastor Belete | Tesfay | |
185 | Mamay | Belay | 228 | Quwi | Tezera | |
186 | Mamay | Ayelegn | 229 | Redai | Lema | |
187 | Mamay | Mulu | 230 | Riskey | Haile | |
188 | Mamay | Ferede | 231 | Riskey | Mintesinot | |
189 | Mamay | Aleyu | 232 | Riskey | Yilma | |
190 | Mamay | Belayneh | 233 | Riskey | Melese | |
191 | Mamo | Desta | 234 | Roskey | Manjos | |
192 | Mamo | Zewdie | 235 | Serebe | Reda | |
193 | Mamu | Warkaw | 236 | Setegn | Endalemaw | |
194 | Mamu | Chere | 237 | Setegn | Shitaye | |
195 | Mamu | Tadesse | 238 | Shenqo | Belete | |
196 | Mamuneh | Yideg | 239 | Shiferaw | Wubeneh | |
197 | Mebirahtu | Yigzaw | 240 | Shiferaw | Nigussie | |
198 | Mebirahtu | G/Ezgher | 241 | Shiferaw | Tesfay | |
199 | Mehari | Adugna | 242 | Shihun | Kidane | |
200 | Mekonen | Lewte | 243 | Shimuye | Mamu | |
201 | Mekonen | Abere | 244 | Shimuye | Alemey | |
202 | Mekuanint | Warkaw | 245 | Shimuye | Demisew | |
203 | Mekuria | G/Mariam | 246 | Simachew | Mamu | |
204 | Mengesha | Mulugeta | 247 | Simachew | Alemu | |
205 | Mered | G/Mikael | 248 | Sissay | Tesfahunegn | |
206 | Mesafinte | Dagnew | 249 | Tadele | Abate | |
207 | Mirach | Tesema | 250 | Tadesse | Keshi | |
208 | Mola | Telele | 251 | Tafere | Lilay | |
209 | Mrs. LiElti | Wondimagegn | 252 | Tagel | Tedla | |
210 | Mukotey | Tadesse | 253 | Talle | Gebre | |
211 | Mulalem | Warkaw | 254 | Tasew | Asefa | |
212 | Mulaw | Zofe | 255 | Tebeje | Melese | |
213 | Mulu | Atalay | 256 | Tebeje | Bekele | |
214 | Mulu | Amare | 257 | Tegegne | Nega | |
215 | Mulu | Berhe | 258 | Tegegne | Demis | |
216 | Mulu | G/Kidan | 259 | Tekalign | Abebe | |
First Name | Middle Name | |||||
260 | Tekalign | Mengistu | ||||
261 | Tela | Haile | ||||
262 | Tesfa | Tsegay | ||||
263 | Tesfay | Hailu | ||||
264 | Tesfay | Aberiha | ||||
265 | Tesfay | Mekonen | ||||
266 | Tesfay | Asfeha | ||||
267 | Teshager | G/Medhin | ||||
268 | Teshome | Ferede | ||||
269 | Teshome | Telele | ||||
270 | Tessema | Abkhelew | ||||
271 | Tessema | Fireye | ||||
272 | Tigabu | Mekuanint | ||||
273 | Tilahun | Tewolde | ||||
274 | Tiruneh | Tadesse | ||||
275 | Tiruneh | Mebratu | ||||
276 | Toga | Tegegne | ||||
277 | Tsegay | Abebe | ||||
278 | Tsegay | Yenehun | ||||
279 | Tsegu | Zenebe | ||||
280 | Tsyitey | Abirha | ||||
281 | Wagnew | Menberu | ||||
282 | Wegahtay | Bicha | ||||
283 | Wereta | Gebru | ||||
284 | Woldie | YeEbiyo | ||||
285 | Woldie | Yenehun* | ||||
286 | Wondim | Fisseha | ||||
287 | Wondim | Telele | ||||
288 | Wondim | Tega | ||||
289 | Wondimhunegn | Tareke | ||||
290 | Workey | G/Medhin | ||||
291 | Workneh | Atalay | ||||
292 | Yehualashet | Zeleke | ||||
293 | Yeshalem | Berihun | ||||
294 | Yeshialem | Tsige | ||||
295 | Yeshineh | Yideg | ||||
296 | Yezezew | G/Meskel | ||||
297 | Yibeyin | G/Ezgiher | ||||
298 | Yideg | Ayenew | ||||
299 | Yideg | Ayalew | ||||
300 | Yilaq | Tezera | ||||
301 | Yirga | Demisew | ||||
302 | Yisfa | Fantay | ||||
303 | Zeleke | Girmay | ||||
304 | Zeray | Mersha | ||||
305 | Zeru | Belay | ||||
306 | Zeru | Mersha | ||||
307 | Zewdie | Sisay | ||||
308 | Zewdu | Shibeshi |
source: www.ethio-wolqait.blogspot.com
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