SOCEPP(Solidarity Committee For Ethiopian Political Prisoners)

More than 50,000 Ethiopians sold to modern slavery to Lebanon by the regime of Meles Zenawi are exposed to grave and life threatening danger as the situation in Lebabon worsens. Characteristically, the Meles regime is lying and claiming that it has organized the evacuation of the Ethiopians from Lebanon. However, not only is this claim absolutely false but the regime has shamelessly decreed that any returnee from Lebanon who comes with goods will not be exempted from duty taxes!
More than 50,000 Ethiopians had been sent to Lebanon to work as maids, guards, chauffeurs,etc in an arrnagement mostly organized by the ruling party's loyalists and amounting to modern slavery that had been denounced often by many human rights organizations including SOCEPP. The Ethiopians in Lebanon had to work under dire and racist conditions. Many do not even hold their passports/confiscated by their employers/ and cannot flee and enter Syria or Cyprus. They are stranded, abandoned, exposed to the Israeli bombs. The Meles regime that rushed to send troops to Somalia has not been keen on helping the stranded and endangered Ethiopians other than decreeing that if they make it back home they will be taxed.
SOCEPP has denounced the Meles regime for the modern slavery and sale of youngsers it had been engaged in. This time, the Ethiopians in Lebanon are exposed to death with no one conerned fro their fate. A few have been taken by their employers. The majority have been abandoned. Some dozen have already have been wounded. There is no report on the number of deaths while all indications are that there may well be casualties. The irresponsible regime is spreading lies and claiming many have been evacuated but this a shameless lie. It is to the credit of Nigeria that its envoy has tried to help the Ethiopians and other Africans. The regime of Meles Zenawi is exposed by its indifference and inaction.
SOCEPP calls on all to focus on the plight of Ethiopian workers trapped in Lebanon and to call for their evacuation without delay. The Meles regime has no concern for citizens at all. Ethiopians in the Diaspora must all mobilize to bring to the attention of the world th plight of the Ethiopians in Lebanon.

posted by Ethiounited Moderator at12:29 AM


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