Ethiopian protesters demanded Blair to speak out against Injustice in Ethiopia

By Wondimu Mekonnen
LONDON - By imprisoning the innocent patriotic Ethiopians, the tyrants in Addis have expected to sleep peacefully, but it turned out to be that they are totally wrong. The battle for justice, equality, freedom and democracy that escalated after the May 2005 election is continuing flaming throughout the cities of the world and London is not an exception.
Drenched in the rain, Ethiopians in London stood in the shivering cold for 4 hours alerting the international community residing in Metropolitan London and the government of Tony Blair that as long as justice did not prevail in Ethiopia they will not be keeping quiet but again and again coming back to the Downing Street. They expressed their disgust by the silence of Tony Blair’s Government and for not coming forward to protect the democracy that Government preached. We hear that Tony Blair was uncomfortable with the gross miscarriage of justice in Ethiopia by his tyrant Commissioner for Africa but Ethiopians demand more then being uncomfortable but speak out loudly and clearly the truth.
The Friday afternoon vigil at the Downing Street was held on the back drop of the days top news. The media that ignored the week in week out demonstrators at Downing Street for years went frenzy the whole day about loss of three adventure seeking Briton and seven or so French tourists in remote area of Ethiopia. As long the West sides with the tyrants, we are sorry, but this is bound to happen. Ethiopians Demonstrating at the Downing Street on Friday 02 March 2005 were demanding the Government of Tony Blair to invest time and energy in the in the peaceful struggle of the people of Ethiopia if he wanted to protect his legacy in Africa.
While so many people were taking shelter from the torrent, motorists were stunned by site of hundreds of Ethiopians defying the rain and shouting over their voice towards the home of Prime Minster, calling upon him and his government to speak out clearly and loudly against human rights abuse, against state terror, against in justice, against torture and generally against miscarriage of justice Ethiopia. The Ethiopians repeated the words of Martin Luther King: “Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere!” Many were saying the rain was nothing compared to the sacrifices that Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam, Engineer Hailu Shaul, Dr Berhanu Nega, W/t Birtukan Middeksa … journalist Serkalem Fasil and her infant child are paying in pest infested jail Meles and his TPLF gang.
Mr Steve Sinnott, the General Secretary of NUT came to pay his solidarity with Ethiopians fighting for justice and stayed in the rain for a while. He earnestly and sympathetically talked to the activists at the Downing Street. He reassured the Ethiopians that the NUT is fully committed to fight for justice along side Ethiopians in general and the Ethiopian Teachers Association in particular. Steve is fully aware of the teachers, such as Kassahun Kebede, Tilahun Ayalew, Meqcha Mengiste and Anteneh Getnet’s plight in jail along the CUD leadership and journalists and his sympathy goes with all victims. After being drenched in the rain himself, he wished the demonstrators strength and success and left. Another British citizen who claimed to have recently from Badme joined the demonstrators. Some people took to a corner and talked to him for more than an hour about the miscarriage of justice, which he himself first hand witnessed. He too was fully aware of the situation and hoped that justice would prevail in that country. He expressed how captivated he was by the love of that country and he wished peace and democracy to the people, so that he would go back and bask in the friendly and warm atmosphere of Ethiopians.
As the torrent got stronger, the demonstrator’s spirit spiralled up rather than waning down. They song their own creative Amaric songs: They called every prisoners name they could remember in the song? entrusted them symbolically to the dove at Kaliti (Holly Spirit in reality), to take care of the victims of miscarriage of justice in Ethiopia. Everybody’s heart was touched by the song as the names were called one by one as heroes and heroines of the nation.
Ethiopians vowed never to stay at home as long as those innocent people remained in captivity. They will keep on coming again and again to the Downing Street as there would be nothing more important than the freedom of the incarcerated. Some of the songs were directed at those who serve Woyyane and were more pleasant to hear. It simply meant better to live in freedom than the comfort that Woyyane would offer in exchange for treachery. Led by a professional singer popularly known in London as Hirut Bekele started “Ethiopia Hagere” (Ethiopia my Country) whilethe demonstrators sang along: As the beautiful angelic voice of Hirut went in the air like a flute, it brought nostalgia of home to the exiled community of Ethiopians fighting for justice of the incarcerated from London.
Like the Biblical stubborn Pharoe of Egypt, Meles is refusing to let the victims of miscarriage of justice go free. However, the avalanche of people’s anger is about to rain on him to wash him down to the bottom of the inescapable pit. He is blinded by the thrust for power and clinging by any means to it, failing to see the noose hanging over his head. Dictators never learn lesson from their predecessors! The world had witnessed the fate of Hitler of Germany, Mussolini of Italy, Ceausescu of Romania, Idi Amin of Uganda and even Mengistu Hailemariam of Ethiopia. Meles is next but he could not see it. He can’t see it. He is blinded by power.
05 March 2007 is only two days to go when the historical demonstration took place in London. It could be the day Meles’s Kangaroo Cout may pass the expected verdict of guilty of fabricated crimes. Ethiopians in London completed their four hours demonstration by warning if the leadership of the opposition, the journalists and members of civic organisation are sentenced as guilty; it is the death of justice system in Ethiopia all together. Therefore, it is up to the international community to avert such outrageous gross miscarriage of justice even on the 11th hour.

posted by Ethiounited Moderator at11:14 PM


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