Guidebook"Building Alliances" - a lesson for UEDF

Produced by
National Association of Conservation Districts In Cooperation With
National Association of State Conservation Agencies
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Introduction

We define alliances as a credible group of individuals brought together to accomplish a specific goal or purpose which will benefit all members of the group in some way. Many alliances are surrounded by some controversy in the beginning simply because they consolidate two agents of change, power and interest. People are wary of combinations that mix power and interest because there is a potential to exclude others. Thus, it is vitally important to investigate the motivations for an alliance before agreeing to lead or become a part of one. After you are satisfied with the goal and organization of an alliance, and you are willing and able to assume the risk implicit in such a combination, then it is time to act.
When we refer to alliances in this guidebook, we are referring to an association or partnership created to promote mutual conservation goals.
"Alliance building" is the process of selecting the most effective members for the team and bringing these members together. Alliance members may consist of individuals, organizations, businesses, or other groups.
  • click more to learn about "Building Alliance"
  • posted by Ethiounited Moderator at2:00 AM


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