Urgent call to all Ethiopians and all Teachers in the World!
Her Name is Nisthu Teshome and was born in 1982 Dilla, Ethiopia.
"I am a teacher and I have Breast cancer with bone deposit, i did surgery but
the docters reffer me to be treated abroad, i am in very bad condition,
with hope , now the Doctor Priscribe me with medicine which I couldn't find in
Ethiopia, if any of you can find this medicine pleas send me.NAVEL
BIN 50g-- mean while i need your help to donet some money for my treatment
abroad, my country couldn't aford to treat me, at this time I am trying to reach
all the ethiopian teachers, I hope whom they can rescue me.
All the ethiopian docters who works abroad to help me. all women to help me. and i don't know where to call, I call all the teachers of the world and all you the student."
"Case summery date: July 1 ,oo6
Re. Netsuhe Teshome H/ mariam Card No. 301540 Age: 24 Sex: Female
A 24 years old female patient with diagnosis of premenopausal right breast ductal cancer, referred 2 years back from one of peripheral hospital after mastectomy and axillary dissection
At first presentation in our Oncology OPD the pertinent finding was been:
ECOG 2, hard fixed right axillary mass measuring 4x2 cm; multiple skin nodules at the chest wall and around the post operative scar in average measuring 0.5 by 1 cm. On musculoskeletal system, there was point tenderness in the thoracic spine and ribs.
Investigation: CBC/RFT/LFT- all were in the normal limit
Chest X-ray was normal
Thoracic spine X-ray was normal
Ultrasound of abdomen did not show any metastatic lesion
Bone scan showed multiple bone metastases: head of the left humors, right 9th,
10th; left 6th, 7th ribs and left knee.
With diagnosis of; Premenopausl right breast cancer, , post mastectomy local recurrence and metastatic Bone lesion; she did receive 6 cycle of chemotherapy: adramycin and cyclophosphamide; and radiotherapy was given to chest wall.
After ten months of follow up, she presented with chief complaints of chest-wall skin nodules and back pain. On physical examination, the pertinent finding was multiple skin nodules and bone tenderness. FNA done from the node confirms the recurrence to the chest wall and the chest X-ray reviled pleural thickening.
May 8 2006 she was referred to abroad for second line chemotherapy and bisphosphonates.
Note: Sorry, that ER/PR receptor status of the patient, post mastectomy histopathology result and the last bone scan result I couldn’t get from the file.
With best regard,"
Dr. Wondemagegnhu Tigeneh
Radiation oncologist
Ethiopia, A.A.
P.O.Box 3819
Tel 00251-11-550653
Dear reader,
I have contacted Stockholm care, and send them all the doctors paper, they have the document, and forward it at hospital (södersjkhus) in center of Stockholm, since the paint need more care to be treated , the cost of the treatment is very expensive it is about 120,000Us dollar, they want the advance payment before they write for the visa, they just told me to day they are working more, as far as I know nisthu has given permission to change Ethiopian birr to us or to euro, but she don't have any thing, also many people wrote to her , as far as I know the help is not coming, but many promise her, by calling her, it is very difficult for me to publish this in the web, but her chance to survive with the treatment is very big, and the time is running, and I call to all people to raise their hand, and if any one is close to the known people like Skiek almudi, it will make it easy for us, and if any one find the cheapest hospital in the US or in other European country, that will be fine, I tried to contact hospital in Israel, I didn't get any respond I am waiting.
With my best regard,
Nisthu Teshome Habtemariam, commercial bank of Ethiopa, Yirgalme Branch Account no 13137.
My Postal Adress
Nisthu Teshome
P.o.box 235, SNNP, Yirgalem, Ethiopia
Tel: 00251-911942319
Email: nitsuhteshe@yahoo.com

"I am a teacher and I have Breast cancer with bone deposit, i did surgery but
the docters reffer me to be treated abroad, i am in very bad condition,
with hope , now the Doctor Priscribe me with medicine which I couldn't find in
Ethiopia, if any of you can find this medicine pleas send me.NAVEL
BIN 50g-- mean while i need your help to donet some money for my treatment
abroad, my country couldn't aford to treat me, at this time I am trying to reach
all the ethiopian teachers, I hope whom they can rescue me.
All the ethiopian docters who works abroad to help me. all women to help me. and i don't know where to call, I call all the teachers of the world and all you the student."
"Case summery date: July 1 ,oo6
Re. Netsuhe Teshome H/ mariam Card No. 301540 Age: 24 Sex: Female
A 24 years old female patient with diagnosis of premenopausal right breast ductal cancer, referred 2 years back from one of peripheral hospital after mastectomy and axillary dissection
At first presentation in our Oncology OPD the pertinent finding was been:
ECOG 2, hard fixed right axillary mass measuring 4x2 cm; multiple skin nodules at the chest wall and around the post operative scar in average measuring 0.5 by 1 cm. On musculoskeletal system, there was point tenderness in the thoracic spine and ribs.
Investigation: CBC/RFT/LFT- all were in the normal limit
Chest X-ray was normal
Thoracic spine X-ray was normal
Ultrasound of abdomen did not show any metastatic lesion
Bone scan showed multiple bone metastases: head of the left humors, right 9th,
10th; left 6th, 7th ribs and left knee.
With diagnosis of; Premenopausl right breast cancer, , post mastectomy local recurrence and metastatic Bone lesion; she did receive 6 cycle of chemotherapy: adramycin and cyclophosphamide; and radiotherapy was given to chest wall.
After ten months of follow up, she presented with chief complaints of chest-wall skin nodules and back pain. On physical examination, the pertinent finding was multiple skin nodules and bone tenderness. FNA done from the node confirms the recurrence to the chest wall and the chest X-ray reviled pleural thickening.
May 8 2006 she was referred to abroad for second line chemotherapy and bisphosphonates.
Note: Sorry, that ER/PR receptor status of the patient, post mastectomy histopathology result and the last bone scan result I couldn’t get from the file.
With best regard,"
Dr. Wondemagegnhu Tigeneh
Radiation oncologist
Ethiopia, A.A.
P.O.Box 3819
Tel 00251-11-550653
Dear reader,
I have contacted Stockholm care, and send them all the doctors paper, they have the document, and forward it at hospital (södersjkhus) in center of Stockholm, since the paint need more care to be treated , the cost of the treatment is very expensive it is about 120,000Us dollar, they want the advance payment before they write for the visa, they just told me to day they are working more, as far as I know nisthu has given permission to change Ethiopian birr to us or to euro, but she don't have any thing, also many people wrote to her , as far as I know the help is not coming, but many promise her, by calling her, it is very difficult for me to publish this in the web, but her chance to survive with the treatment is very big, and the time is running, and I call to all people to raise their hand, and if any one is close to the known people like Skiek almudi, it will make it easy for us, and if any one find the cheapest hospital in the US or in other European country, that will be fine, I tried to contact hospital in Israel, I didn't get any respond I am waiting.
With my best regard,
Nisthu Teshome Habtemariam, commercial bank of Ethiopa, Yirgalme Branch Account no 13137.
My Postal Adress
Nisthu Teshome
P.o.box 235, SNNP, Yirgalem, Ethiopia
Tel: 00251-911942319
Email: nitsuhteshe@yahoo.com
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